Pierre-Etienne MAURY, Chief Executive Officer and Senior Partner, is a RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) member. This Anglo-Saxon institution represents the interests of real-estate professionals from all over the world.

RICS in France includes 1 400 certified and physical members and more than 1 200 000 qualified ones in approximately a hundred countries.

The main roles are to:

- Regulate and promote the property profession.
- Initiate norms and regulations based on strict ethical rules.
- Maintain highest continued training and professional standards.
- Protect clients and consumers through strict rules of conduct.
- Provide up-to-date information and independent advice in an impartial and objective way.

Being certified as a RICS member guarantees that a professional and ethical approach will be adopted in front of clients and to:

➢ Act with integrity.
➢ Always offer the best quality service.
➢ Act in a way to promote professional trust.
➢ Treat others with respect.
➢ Be accountable for one’s actions.

CORDELL Partners totally embraces RICS values and therefore aims to deliver transparent and professional advice to its clients.